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COVID-19 Policies


Here at ISDA, our dancers, staff and family safety are our first priority.

Our small business is taking the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously, and following all guidelines provided by the State of California and their Reopen California procedures.

Listed below is a summary of the Orange Tier rules and regulations we have implemented to keep our dance community safe. Failure for dancers and/or family members to oblige to these rules will result in the student's dismissal from ISDA.

Class Sizing and Masks     Each of our classrooms have student number limits, based on COVID-19 social distancing requirements: big room 9 dancers, front room 6 dancers, and back room 5 dancers. If a class has less than or equal to the number of dancers at these COVID-19 social distancing numbers, dancers are allowed to participate without wearing a mask, if they remain in their socially-distanced sections (within their individual squares). Once a class begins working on choreography (with formations) or going across the floor, dancers must place masks back on and keep them on for the remainder of class.

During the orange tier, classes will be allowed to fill past their social-distancing numbers, with new caps on class sizes, continuing to have safety as our #1 concern. If a class has more dancers enrolled than the room's social distancing requirements, masks must be worn by dancers at all times.

If a dancer and their family do not feel comfortable participating in the studio, we do have a Zoom class affiliated with all of our scheduled classes, to allow dancers to take the exact same class from home. Students, new or returning, must call into the studio and place their names on our class schedule PRIOR to arriving to in-studio classes.

Parents     No parents/family members will be allowed into the ISDA facility. Parents wishing to discuss anything with ISDA desk staff must wait at the front door or outside desk for a staff member to come out and assist you. A mask must be worn whenever speaking with ISDA staff. Parents are allowed to watch their dancer's class via Zoom from the comfort of their vehicle. Please ask ISDA staff for your dancer's specific class login information.

General Mask Policy     ISDA teachers and staff are required to wear masks at all times. All students and their parental escort must wear a mask upon arrival and whenever in our roped-off outdoor area, no exceptions. Dancers will wear their mask upon entering the studio. All classrooms are segmented off into socially-distanced sections. Once a dancer enters the room and is in their section, they are allowed to take their mask off to participate in class, at their parent's discretion, UNLESS the class is filled beyond the social-distancing requirements of the room, then dancers must remain masked for the entire class. The mask will then be required to be put back on before leaving their section at the end of class.

Must Arrive on Time     Students MUST arrive no less than 5 minutes before their class is scheduled to begin. This will allow time for the check-in process and entering the classroom. Students that are late to check in will not be admitted to class. If running late due to traffic, you must call into the studio and have it arranged for your dancer to enter late. Any dancer arriving past their official class time will not be admitted.

Check In Process      All incoming students and their parents (only one parent per dancer, all other family members must wait in their vehicle) are required to check in with ISDA staff at the table that is located in the front parking spots in front of the studio. At the first check in, a parent will be required to sign a COVID-19 liability waiver for their dancer. Students will have their temperature checked and go through a symptoms check list, and will be required to take some hand sanitizer. Students will then line up in front of their designated classroom door outside the building, on the socially-distanced X's. ISDA staff will lead dancers into their classrooms. Please have dancers wear easy-to-remove street shoes, so they can be removed at the classroom door.

Shoes     Remember, street shoes are not allowed in the classrooms. Vice versa, dance shoes are not allowed to be worn outside. Please prepare your student accordingly with appropriate shoes, and keep ever-changing weather conditions in mind.

Room Sanitization     Teachers and staff will be cleaning up the classrooms after every class. This will include sanitizing the barres, door handles, and any props used during the class, as well as purging the air in each room with our newly installed whole house fans. Classrooms and lobby will be deep cleaned at the end of every day.

Restroom     The restroom will not be available to parents and family waiting in the parking lot. We strongly recommend parents prepping one-hour students so they do not need to use the restroom in the middle of class. The restroom's fan will be kept on at all times, and all surfaces will be cleaned hourly by ISDA staff using disinfecting wipes.

Contact Information

4055 Grass Valley Highway

Suite #103

(530) 823-6782

Studio Hours

Monday 3:30PM - 8:30PM

Tuesday - Thursday 4:00PM - 8:30PM

Social Media




In Sync Dance of Auburn


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