Company Rates:
(Hours per week)
2 Hours (minimum)
2 1/2 Hours
3 Hours
3 1/2 Hours
4 Hours
4 1/2 Hours
5 Hours
5 1/2 Hours
6 Hours
7 Hours
Any additional recreational classes are an extra $45 per month, and are not included in the company rate.
Class & Performance
$11.00 child
$13.00 adult
Class Leotards x 2
Black - Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Maroon - Tuesday, Thursday
Performance Top
Performance Bottom
Company Warm Up's
Tights (optional if already purchased)
Black for community performances
Pink for class and ballets
Tan for Showcase performance
White Ked-like sneakers (not included)
All new Company Dancers are required to purchase all items above at the beginning of the season. Veterans must purchase new, outgrown, or changed pieces by the beginning of the season.
The number of costumes required for each show will be as followed:
Nutcracker and Annual Ballet:
Junior Ballet 2 costumes
Junior Pro Ballet 2 costumes
Senior Ballet 2-3 costumes
Senior Pro Ballet 2-3 costumes
Elite Ballet 4-5 costumes
*Exact numbers will be determined after Companies have been assigned*
Each discipline will require the purchase of a single costume.
Dancer's number of costumes depends on how many disciplines
they are participating in.
Ex: student is in Ballet and Tap Company. They will need two
There will be an "Early Bird" Deadline and a Final Deadline for each performance.
Each package will include the performance fee, a video of the production, and a single costume. NO TIGHTS are included in the Company Performance Pricing.
"Early Bird" Deadline Pricing $120.00 per dancer
$70.00 per additional costume
Final Deadline Pricing $145.00 per dancer
$85.00 per additional costume
Performance Pricing
Company Dancers are required to participate in all three major performances: Nutcracker in December, our Showcase in early spring, and our annual ballet in June.
Listed below are expected costs for each of those performances, based on the student's level and disciplines they are participating in.